Error: received message greater than max (19703084 vs 67108864) in Solan RPC with Geyser Yellowstone-Grpc

When using the Geyser Yellowstone-Grpc supplement to communicate with the local RPC Solan, there may be errors due to exceeding the maximum allowed message size. In this article, we will examine what causes and how to solve it.

What is the maximum permitted message size?

In Solana, each message has a maximum size of 1 KB (10240 bytes). If the message exceeds this size, you will receive a response to the error from Solan RPC. The max field in the constructordetermines the maximum allowed message size.

Details of error

If an error occurs as a result of exceeding the maximum size of the message, it is referred to as' the message received greater than max.

Possible causes and solutions:


Try to follow: to solve problems:

Solution 1: Check the maximum allowed message size

Make sure that themaxfield in the client's constructor is correctly set:


Const client = new client ({{

RPC: “

Max: 67108864 // set to a valid value (eg 4294967295)



Solution 2: RPC configuration verification

Check that the Solana RPC Max is set correctly:


Const client = new client ({{

RPC: “

Max: 67108864 // set to a valid value (eg 4294967295)



Solution 3: Check the Message Size

To verify that the size of the message is accurate, use a tool like Solan-RPC or“ Grpc-Query:


NPX Solan -RPC RPC -help | Max



If you are still encountering problems, give more details about your RPC settings and configuration. I will be happy to help you!

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